Are there any mechanisms that prevent issuers of SBTs from revoking them?


Background: I love how you integrate SBTs into your product offering. However, I am curious about the extent of ownership I have over my reputation with regard to your SBT. If I contributed a lot to Web3 education via and earned my reputation, I might still lose it in case you "become evil". E.g. there might be a competing service that attracts more "teachers" and you could threaten your community to lose their SBTs when they engage with the competitor. ​ Obviously, I am painting a very pessimistic picture but would love to get your perspective on this one.

To post an answer, please !

1 answer


The scenario you mention points to one crucial part of web3 that we need to keep in mind: NFTs and SBTs belong to a given smart contract, and the owner of that smart contract has ultimate power over those assets. You need to trust the person controlling the wallet that owns the smart contract, there's no way around that. Some projects take additional steps to mitigate this risk, like having the smart contracts owned by a DAO multisig wallet with open governance processes, or even rescinding ownership of the contract entirely, effectively burning the ownership link so noone can execute owner-level transactions for that contract anymore.


Thank you very much for your answer! So the difference to any other review service where I can also earn rewards for contribution (e.g. Google Maps with its local guide program) is that a) I can better prove that it's really me who earned it and b) others can write software that interacts with my SBT (e.g. tokengated access), right?


That's right! I'm particularly excited about the ability of others writing code that checks the SBT and grants benefits and access.


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